Jackson Perdue has dedicated his entire adult life to being a masterful professional stand up comic. Starting his comedy career at the ripe age of 18 at The Comedy Store in Hollywood CA in the late 70’s, he has become a popular headliner in Las Vegas and various venues in all 50 states, 6 countries, and ships at sea. “Starting out at the Comedy Store allowed me to watch and learn from the best in the business. I got the best education in stand up you could possibly hope for, it was like going to Yale or Harvard for a medical student…but laughter is the Best medicine and a lot more fun. I saw all the greats, like Leno, Letterman, and Robin Williams before they were famous and learned from them all. Working with Richard Pryor is probably the greatest thrill of all since he was my comic idol.”
Jackson’s main comedy influences were Richard Pryor (for his heart & soul), Groucho Marx (the quickest wit), Bugs Bunny (nobody’s cooler) and Lenny Bruce ( for breaking the mold).
“I love comedy because comedians are the only ones left who are allowed to speak the unvarnished truth in public forums and that resonates with the core of who I am. It’s a community of free spirited misfits, oddballs, and iconoclasts that have transmuted their personal pain and angst into public joy and laughter which is the most sublime alchemy of all. I believe comedians are Light Workers and as a group have done this world an immeasurable good and I feel blessed, proud, honored, and grateful to call myself one of them.”
Growing up in San Diego, CA., Jackson was one of the first in that city to pursue stand up comedy as a career path. “ There were no amateur nights to start out at because there were no amateurs! When I was 18, I had to hitchhike up to L.A. to do open mike comedy at The Improv and Comedy Store. Once I got a taste of making people laugh I was hooked for life and have been doing it ever since. It’s all I know and I feel that I was born to do this.”
Along with several national TV spots, Jackson has authored two books, one Self-Help book "Man on Fire" and a Children's book "Casual Penguin",several screenplays, and recorded an album called HALF WHITE TRASH, which speaks to his cross cultural background of being half Japanese and half white American.
Jackson lives in Hollywood CA and performs there regularly at The World Famous Laugh Factory when he is not on the road, sea, or air.